Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Vigil by Giuseppe Ungaretti


A whole night long
crouched close
to one of our men
with his clenched
grinning at the full moon
with the congestion
of his hands
thrust right
into my silence
I've written
letters filled with love

I have never been
coupled to life

Thursday, April 16, 2015

How Hedge Funds Create Criminals - HBR

markets' are free for the ruthless rich like hedge fund managers who
manipulate the movement of markets to ensure their winning hand.

How Hedge Funds Create Criminals - HBR

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Cuando merda valor, pobre nasce sem cu.
[When shit becomes valuable, the poor will be born without assholes.] (Portuguese proverb)

Friday, April 10, 2015

The Real New Deal

It is rarely mentioned today (Ken Burns, for example, erases it from his history of the Roosevelts), but the initial framework for what was to become the New Deal was influenced not by any left-wing vision but actually by Italian fascist dictator Benito Mussolini's "corporate state." The Democratic Party was never a left-wing party and never approached the politics of even some of the mildest of the European social democratic parties.  Recent calls by liberals and Repugglydems for a 'New New Deal' should be curbed with the full extent of this knowledge....
It's also surprising that Burns makes little of Marine general Smedley Butler's testimony before Congress that major corporate magnates had approached him to lead veterans in a rightwing movement and take power forcefully, something along the lines of Mussolini's infamous 192,2, March on Rome. See Jules Archer, The Plot to Seize the White House: The Shocking True Story of the Conspiracy to Overthrow FDR (New York: Skyhorse, 2007).

The Benefits of Worker Center:

Monday, April 6, 2015

An Appalachian Nativity, after Tzara

Open heart in the twilit west
give your itinerant degrowth to stars
countless as the trees and the joy of the creeks
keep the Sun close to your chest
where tomorrow seams a fawnless afternoon
mine daughter crashed this afternoon, today
on the path to the Starfish Pavilion
it must be sensed.


lines by Tristan Tzara

Open up eternal heart

To enter the road of stars

In your life countless like the sand

And the joy of seas

May it hold the sun

In your breast where the man of tomorrow shines

The man of today on the road of sea stars

Has planted the forward flag of life

As it should be lived.

-- Tristan Tzara