Monday, August 27, 2018

The JP Inc. Music Industry Seminar

La Monte Young, Composition 1960 #5

“Turn a butterfly (or any number of butterflies) loose in the performance area.[...] the composition may be considered finished when the butterfly flies away.”
La Monte Young, Composition 1960 #5

Serpentine Dance by Lina Esbrard (1902) by Alice Guy

(version without lions) 

Friday, August 24, 2018

Peter H. Clark,

“We protest against the colored man being listed in the assets of the Republican party as a voting machine, which simply does the work of its master, and is then shelved until next election, as is the case in Ohio.” Peter H. Clark, Cincinnati black activist and the nation's 'first Black Socialist,' Dayton Evening Herald, 22 September 1873.

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

from Focus.

from Focus.

the world expands
you in you
more than uproars
more than this
breath in the tremulous
morning's back

geese call rank
and file
fall forward
with fancy

and then not
so much more
I am the
bruised moon
your smile and
feet again

let the cold
insensate smuggles
you have been
breathing all day
let me
tidy your floor

The Quik - Bert's Apple Crumble - 1967 45rpm

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Tentative I, from SETTLEMENTS

Tentative I

Untwine beneath cod all custom-made
idea filled never to and not to
fro aggravation outside hate, silenced
beyond easement see a distant laugh
zero readied zero in certainty
segregate or destroy, dependently eased
on account of old undesiring gifts.

Badiou Reflections on the Recent Election 11 9 16b

Friday, August 10, 2018

Zenkei Blanche Hartman on zazen

“In our zazen practice, we stop our thinking and we are free from our emotional activity. We don't say there is no emotional activity, but we are free from it. We don't say that we have no thinking, but our life activity is not limited by our thinking mind. In short, we can say that we trust ourselves completely, without thinking, without feeling, without discriminating between good and bad, right and wrong. Because we respect ourselves, because we put faith in our life, we sit. That is our practice.” Zenkei Blanche Hartman, Seeds for a Boundless Life: Zen Teachings from the Heat, ed. Zenju Earthlyn Manuel, p. 16.

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Aram Saroyan on Kerouac

John Kerouac was all set to go the whole route as a well-respected American author, and Jack lost him like a bore at a literary party, and went up on the roof to look at the stars and smoke grass with the bartender.” Aram Saroyan, Genesis Angels: The Saga of Lew Welch and the Beat Generation, NY: William Morrow and Co., 1979, p. 69.

Aram Saroyan, summing up the Sixties

We were young, we were arrogant, we were irreverent, we were foolish. But we were right,” Abbie Hoffman reflected in 1988. A generation born out of the Trojan Horse of the post-World War II American Empire, our power was, paradoxically, in our ambivalence about power. It was also in our numbers, and in the fact that our common ideals could foster friendship.
Aram Saroyan, Friends in the World: The Education of a Writer, Coffee House Press, 1992, p. 129.

Sheng Yen on compassion

Master Sheng Yen teaches: “Compassion is not sympathy, compassion has no fixed recipients, and compassion is without a goal. Compassion is impartially benefiting all sentient beings in just the right way.” Buddhadharma (Summer 2006), p. 42.