Thursday, August 22, 2019

T Bone Walker - The Hustle Is On

One of the truly GREAT 78 Rpms, ever! The other side, 'Baby Broke My Heart,' has this beat tho'.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

American Waste.....

North America hoards and wastes the world's food supply, creating an unnecessary surplus every day. 40% of food that is raised and grown in America is not eaten. Globally, one third of food produced is not consumed. In individual households, Americans waste 20% of their food. That's the equivalent of dumping every fourth bag of groceries we buy! Billions of bananas are wasted each year in the name of supermarket's cosmetic standards. Millions of peaches are discarded – around 60% – because the capitalist market rejects it.  Much of the food we keep in our fridges, tomatoes, eggs, etc., ought never to be cooled or cleaned.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Found Poem (after Zaqtan)

after Ghassan Zaqtan's
Biography in Charcoal

Follow That Smell

Karameh 1968
Damascus 1986

Tunis 1992
Birzeit 1998

A Scream over the Woods
Vehicles in the Dark

Monday, August 5, 2019

Jeb Bush to audience: 'Please clap'

just coz this never gets old..

Faiz on universalism...

When the cry rings out
“I am the Truth”
The truth that I am
And that you are too
All of God’s creation will rule
Which I am
And you are too

- Faiz Ahmad Faiz

Fun Boy Three - The Lunatics Have Taken Over The Asylum

Policing the Crisis on Race and Capital....

Capital reproduces the class as a whole, structured by race. It dominates the divided class, in part, through those internal divisions which have 'racism' as one of their effects. It contains and disables the representative class organizations by confining them, in part, to strategies and struggles which are race-specific, which do not surmount its limits, its barriers. Through race, it continues to defeat the attempts to construct, at the political level, organizations which do in fact adequately represent the class as a whole—that is, which represent it against capitalism, against racism.”
Stuart Hall, Chas Critcher, Tony Jefferson, John Clarke, and Brian Roberts, Policing the Crisis: Mugging, the State and Law and Order (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013), p. 387.

Ohio Rep. Candice Keller under GOP fire for blaming mass shootings on gay rights, Kaepernick and Obama - The Washington Post

Ohio Rep. Candice Keller under GOP fire for blaming mass shootings on gay rights, Kaepernick and Obama - The Washington Post

Linton Kwesi Johnson - Wat About Di Working Class ?

Still so relevant, especially:

“Nah badda blame it ’pon the black working class, Mr. Racist

Blame it ’pon the ruling class
Blame it ’pon your capitalist boss
We pay the costs, we suffer the loss”

Barbara Fields on Af-Am insurgents

As Barbara Fields points out, African-American insurgents did not use a notion of race as an explanation for their oppression or their struggles for liberation:
It was not Afro-Americans … who needed a racial explanation; it was not they who invented themselves as a race. Euro-Americans resolved the contradiction between slavery and liberty by defining Afro-Americans as a race; Afro-Americans resolved the contradiction more straightforwardly by calling for the abolition of slavery. From the era of the American, French and Haitian revolutions on, they claimed liberty as theirs by natural right.   

Karen E. Fields and Barbara J. Fields, Racecraft (New York: Verso, 2014), p.141.

Douglas on the novelty of 'white'

Douglass clearly emphasized the novelty of the very description of people as white: “The word white is a modern term in the legislation of this country. It was never used in the better days of the Republic, but has sprung up within the period of our national degeneracy.” Frederick Douglass, 'The Kansas-Nebraska Bill' [1854], in The Life and Writings of Frederick Douglass, vol. 2, ed. Philip S. Foner (New York: International Publishers, 1950), p. 317.

Friday, August 2, 2019

Kentucky Wants to Break Up with Mitch McConnell | Full Frontal on TBS

Thank you! So true. I organize and campaign in northern KY and this is the reality on the ground. (Remember in the recent past when Appalachia was on-board with Bernie, ahead of the Dems' well-planned Clinton sabotage?) It's like Chomsky told us all those years ago: the American public (the demos) is far less Right-wing/ Fascist than the ruling class, yet....

MICHAEL STIPE & MATTHEW SWEET tainted obligation 1983

Always thought this is a great sign of what 'coulda been'.  Lovely country jam that ends up sounding more like divine early R.E.M. than most of Matthew's output.



the mailman loves me
he loves me not

brothers and sisters have separate houses
with Greek letters above the flag

a couple of hours from here, right now, 
Blackjewel miners are blocking coal deliveries
in order to protest stolen and low wages

a young man climbs the stairs with his arms then 
runs down, and climbs the stairs with his arms

David Gates - Clouds (Single Version)

How "Racist" Changed Meaning - The Atlantic

How "Racist" Changed Meaning - The Atlantic

Ann by Bread, David Gates, with Lyrics

for my bb, Annie, on our Annieversary.

For All We Know by James Griffin

Timeless classic from one of the geniuses behind Bread..... (promise it'll be the last post on the theme!) For All We Know by James Griffin via @YouTube

Bread - Why Do You Keep Me Waiting