Monday, October 26, 2015

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Migrants and Refugees (HBO) - YouTube

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Migrants and Refugees (HBO) - YouTube

Dogman Presents "X" See How We Are-John Doe-Dave Alvin- - YouTube

Dogman Presents "X" See How We Are-John Doe-Dave Alvin- - YouTube

“We must make our choice,” U.S. Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis wrote in 1941: “we may have democracy in this country, or we may have wealth concentrated in the hands of a few, but we cannot have both.”

“That invisible hand of Adam Smith's seems to offer an extended middle finger to an awful lot of people.” George Carlin, Brain Droppings, NY: Hyperion, 1997, p. 215.

“I think we should all produce work with the urgency of outsider artists, panting and jerking off to our kinky private obsessions.” Dodie Bellamy

Capitalism restricts our life options, why shouldn't poetry too.” Jeff Derksen

The 'smartphone intifada' - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East

The 'smartphone intifada' - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East

theirate8 - Home

theirate8 - Home

Creative Writing Professor Takes Time To Give Every Student Personalized False Hope - The Onion - America's Finest News Source

Creative Writing Professor Takes Time To Give Every Student Personalized False Hope - The Onion - America's Finest News Source

Rachel's - Kentucky Nocturne - YouTube

Rachel's - Kentucky Nocturne - YouTube

Portrait of Jason Trailer - YouTube

Portrait of Jason Trailer - YouTube presents: Richard Pryor loaded on cocaine - YouTube presents: Richard Pryor loaded on cocaine - YouTube

Marion Black - Who Knows - YouTube

Marion Black - Who Knows - YouTube

Killer Mike - Pressure ft. Ice Cube - YouTube

Killer Mike - Pressure ft. Ice Cube - YouTube

Musarium: Without Sanctuary: Lynching Photography in America

Musarium: Without Sanctuary: Lynching Photography in America

Morning Star :: A Deal Soaked in Blood

Morning Star :: A Deal Soaked in Blood

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

He served up our great military a huge bowl of chicken feces, and ever since then, our military and our country have been trying to turn this bowl into chicken salad.” Retired General John Batiste, former commander of the First Infantry division in Iraq, on Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, 2006
The conundrum of color is the inheritance of every American…
James Baldwin, Notes of a Native Son, 1955.

Morning Star :: Marx descendant will sleep rough to raise shelter cash

Morning Star :: Marx descendant will sleep rough to raise shelter cash
Tools for thinking are then the ones that address and actualize this power of the situation, that make it a matter of concern, in other words, make us think and not recognize. When we deal with practices, recognition would lead to the question — why should we take practices seriously as we know very well that they are in the process of being destroyed by Capitalism? This is their ‘sameness’, indeed, the only difference being between the already destroyed one and the still-surviving ones. The ecology of practices is a non-neutral tool as it entails the decisions never to accept Capitalist destruction as freeing the ground for anything but Capitalism itself. -- Isabelle Stengers

Raymond Williams, The Guardian (11 October 1984): “from the experience of real communities, and now also from ecology [that] we can learn to see living systems and relationships as primary. They begin before and not after 'individuals'. Thus 'individual freedoms' are not primarily to be justified by proprietorial assertions of 'rights', but from the absolute need of all living systems and relationships to communicate as well and freely as they can.”

No C.I.A. (Dub Version) - YouTube

No C.I.A. (Dub Version) - YouTube

Friday, October 9, 2015

"An acronym is not just any set of initials.  It applies only to those that are pronounced as words.  MADD, DARE, NATO, and UNICEF are acronyms. FBI, CIA, and KGB are not.  They're just pricks." -- George Carlin