Wednesday, July 26, 2017

In "Dangerous" Move, Republicans Push to Strip Healthcare from Millions Without Holding Any Hearings | Democracy Now!

In "Dangerous" Move, Republicans Push to Strip Healthcare from Millions Without Holding Any Hearings | Democracy Now!

War, Profiteering Push Over 2 Billion To Lack Safe Drinking Water

War, Profiteering Push Over 2 Billion To Lack Safe Drinking Water

‘Gaza has to live in order for Palestine to live’ – Middle East Monitor

‘Gaza has to live in order for Palestine to live’ – Middle East Monitor

Mailer on Black Power

“[T]hose well-ordered epochs of capitalism which flushed the white wastes down into the black heart are gone — the pipes of civilization are backing up. The irony is that we may even yet need a black vision of existence if civilization is to survive the death chamber it has built for itself. So let us at least recognize the real ground of Black Power — it is ambitious, beautiful, awesome, terrifying, and has to do with nothing so much as the most important questions of us all — What is man? Why are we here? Will we survive?” – Norman Mailer, 'Black Power' (1968)

(661) Gavin Friday - Lord I'm Coming - YouTube

(661) Gavin Friday - Lord I'm Coming - YouTube

Solanas on the couple

Valerie Solanas heeds the atomizing function of the couple: “Our society is not a community, but merely a collection of isolated family units. Desperately insecure, fearing his woman will leave him if she is exposed to other men or to anything remotely resembling life, the male seeks to isolate her from other men and from what little civilization there is, so he moves her out to the suburbs, a collection of self-absorbed couples and their kids.” Valerie Solanas, SCUM Manifesto (New York: Verso Books, 2004), p. 48.

Friday, July 14, 2017

Haiku (after Brecht)

after Brecht

Sitting by the roadside.
The driver changes the wheel.
I am impatient.