Thursday, February 28, 2019

Corneille on Love

True love is like a sign from the heart; it teaches in a moment everything one ought to say.” -  Corneille

Monday, February 25, 2019

Jonathan Richman - Our Dog Is Getting Older Now

Burn Baby Burn performed by Jim Collier & Wendy Smith #justperfect

Tall Dwarfs - Walking Home

Commercial Flashback Friday - The Supremes "Things Go Better With Coke" ...

Am I the only one who notices something just a little 'off' in the way they deliver the ad, e.g. the nagging refraining, and the way-off tuning of the second song they did? SOMEONE or something was acting subversive!

Serres on the body

The body, as we know, is becoming more and more undifferentiated. Like food, it is tending towards dedifferentiation: infantile, mammalian, it is returning to its sweet, milky origins. Roly-poly behemoths tumble out of their cars, stunted babies blown up to scale. America is looking much younger these days.” Michel Serres, The Five Senses, p. 185.

Duran Duran - 911 Is A Joke

Sunday, February 24, 2019

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Coal: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

"The coal miner gets black-lung disease, his son gets it, then his son . If I had been the son of a coal miner, I would have left the damn mines. But most people don’t have the imagination–or whatever – to leave their mine. They don’t have 'it.'

'It' is an ability to become an entrepreneur, a great athlete, a great writer. You’re either born with it or you’re not. Ability can be honed, perfected or neglected. The day Jack Nicklaus came into this world, he had more innate ability to play golf than anybody else." - Donald Trump, Playboy interview

Know what's cute? Elephant shrews!

John Cale - China Sea

Rushdie on poetry

"A poet's work is to name the unnameable, to point at frauds, to take sides, start arguments, shape the world, and stop it going to sleep." ~ Salman Rushdie

Friday, February 15, 2019

Sartre on writing and freedom

"The writer takes up the world as is, totally raw, stinking, and quotidian, and presents it to free people on a foundation of freedom... It is not enough to grant the writer the freedom to say whatever he pleases! He must address a public that has the freedom to change everything, which implies, beyond the suppression of social classes, the abolition of all dictatorship, the perpetual renewal of categories, and the continual reversal of every order, as soon as it starts to ossify. In a word, literature is essentially the subjectivity of a society in permanent revolution." Jean-Paul Sartre, Qu'est-ce que la litterature? (Paris: Gallimard "Folio Essais") 162-163.

Spider Dances For His Life!! | Life Story | BBC

Julian Barnes on Love

“The way I visualize it, or would dramatize it, is when you meet someone and fall in love with them, it's as if you are at opposite sides of the restaurant looking at one another. As you go on, you end up at one of those tables where you are sitting side by side, looking out at the world. But you are talking to one another about the world, and you have a whole bank of shared assumptions from previous conversations. So it does change, but the conversation must go on.” – Julian Barnes

Thursday, February 7, 2019

The Fall - Birthday Song

Birthday Giuseppe Ungaretti and James Dean!

Play him off KeyBoard Cat: The Kid scared to sing happy birthday

from Yr Living All Over Me


Morning is the Company
as the shadow optioned will light
locomote is to extend

And she baulks all are tires
parking lot in your bearded rot
where the prince is a port
his stringing linen a barrier to song

I am all curls of a present paste
collapses but a burning of the visible worm
the heavy scowl fixes bone

This is the billing to defeat
this motion of the useless objects
tantamount to rocks birds line

from Yr Living All Over Me

Passion is a blemish in the message;
a situation of substance. A verb
the prepositions have drawn in. I would
not like to suffer you shirts that zip. Lines
that zip over the plays always button. Nonalignment pact
of some ponder. Lilies that bloom in moon
passing warm. A shade in the pool mirrors
a bush. Another shot at what I got.
Evil means: I will kill you even if
I die doing it. Masochism means:
ore body fortunate to be so light
in salary, I'd be hopeless to win
my temptation song. Or beautiful curves
as the red eye shadows deepening rose.


A Suspect

As a verb is
mostly confrontation,

the mind is mostly


(The same life form
that separates fragments

from what I call


Loud, parvenue
soles of bleach

spilling an orange


Basement tapes.

We'll get it tomorrow.”


Would we put down
a paranormal loneliness?


Though we resemble
the smooth functioning

of a server,
made over

Saturday, February 2, 2019

Babel on writing

Isaac Babel: “A sentence is born both good and bad at the same time. The whole secret lies in a barely perceptible twist. The control handle must be warm in our hand. You must turn it only once, never twice [. . .] No steel can pierce a heart so easily as a period planted in the right place.”

mary lou williams - aquarius