Friday, September 13, 2024

Hiroshima: Out of the Ashes (1990) | Full Movie | Max von Sydow | Judd N...

Every time I hear a member of the Military Industrial Complex and Wall St's two parties take the moral high ground.... i think of this.

Weird and Disturbing Christplotation Film: "If Footmen Tire You, What Wi...

One of the funniest #ChristianNightmare Demented Paranoid treats from the 70s. So hilarious!

Hell's Bell's - The Dangers of Rock 'N' Roll - Part 1 of 18

Still the best comedy film from the 80s, despite some stiff competition. I watch it with my kids every year and they crack up, especially when they take The Frogs seriously as a 'gay supremacist' band. Lol lol lol!

Tuesday, September 3, 2024