Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Thomas Amyot on Thewall and the School of Mendoza....

He raves like a mad Methodist Parson; the most ranting Actor in the most ranting Character never made so much noise as Citizen Thelwall ... his action seems to have been learned at the School of Mendoza [the foremost pugilist of the period] & Co. If it had not been for the feebleness of his Person, I sho[uld] almost have been led to suspect that he was going to beat his audience out of doors –” Thomas Amyot in Penelope J. Corfield and Chris Evans, eds., Youth and Revolution in the 1790s: Letters of William Pattisson, Thomas Amyot and Henry Crabb Robinson. Stroud: Alan Sutton, 1996, p. 138.

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