Sunday, August 30, 2015

“the exercise book was green” i.m. Lee Harwood

the exercise book was green 

                i.m. Lee Harwood

earth a beautiful blue

clouds in the morning red
as it was a single orbit
nest pas the tents tangld
rolling pins in pinked evening
excess not opposed to being
under cover of truck starkness
the trash strata baggage
claim teens temping their first
spree when control plus
zed fails EUREKA
red cedars to return things just-so
rigged tip shawls whetted want
well structure floral lens faltering
obedient sows of so-so danger
we were taught to walk
Adur Arun from sibylline shackles
flood as cold signal brawl

where theres a till theres

a weigh as in aureate
matter the yahoo dot co
dot UK worde package
customery brood pressure
contrast standing ceremony
Snowdons histrionic café

stepping out from the pyramyth
golden arches secure first sight 
so steal hospital colouring
books false weekend starts
obtuse sharp-shooter jinx prize 
rabbit epidemic shoo first utterance
dharma Damocles ampoule ampelopsis
solar tea dough machine-fun
office marks ex-centric drift tensity
walk a little further
an atomic line regurgitated
tax privilege sworn to
harvest blue-gray of atmospheric haze

white lilies to Lees windowsill

answer for Schwitterss green blood
man utters her best man
tasting iodised salt mango St
Elmos fire sunspot activity green
tea-water medium AURORA
green is fluid
particles of the night serpent fire

friends pass phrases seaspent

spraying ochre buildings commanding Church or Western Road sites complaining
exoneration green graphic count
less desires to come into day very
very dark & some
space covered by dense cumulus
home here indefinitely
& green
a degree of infinite infelicity

relief to Kleins equal blue

stunned by live oak sunning
swimmers generic pus slow
thesis strand
haunches for slow hut
shackles cognate strata but
this is only an excuse

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