Friday, October 7, 2016

Now he was sitting on the limb of a tree and he said, “You, go get it!”
One leg of a journey might be shaped.
To double.
Like women.
As soon as the stuff is solidly attached, it begins to bud.
He left his wife and that's the end of it.
Folding paper wastebaskets.
An aim, object, purpose, or intention.
No smoking.
None of that other stuff.
Or would have if we had done the right thing.
A container for papers.
This may take you know what I mean in many of those things, dividing at this thing or budding from that or those things, till the main thing is surrounded by a something or other of things like itself, of which the something or other, and which now begin to bud in their thing, each one surrounding itself with something numerous, all remaining, however, attached to the main thing.
An outcome, result, upshot or consequence.
Nickel ash trays or nut dishes.
The something-shaped thing of the little ones crowded upon that other thing of these marks the whatever it marks of each more or less isolated or the other in such a thing as we have here.

Bernadette Mayer, Story

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