Sunday, January 29, 2017

Roger Rosenblatt on terrorism

The airports are closed due to a heightened awareness of lovers worldwide, who are consuming everyone's attention as if it were consummé.  What shall we do about this -- what should one call it -- threat?  Terrorists will be terrorists, the little devils.  The Taliban will be Talibananas.  Lovers will be lovers, that's a given.  The world will always welcome them, etc. etc., but there is such a thing as overabundance, you know.  You can't have too many terrorists, but lovers reproduce like rabbits, and if you're not watching them every second, they will take the attention  of the world away from the bombers and bludgeoners, if you can imagine such a thing.  So, I ask you, comrade, what is to be done?

-- from Roger Rosenblatt, The Book of Love

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