Wednesday, December 30, 2020

“All day, one room: me, and the cherubim . . .” by Ellen Bryant Voigt | Blackbird v17n2 | #pandemicpoetry


All day, one room: me, and the cherubim
with their wet kisses. Without quarantines,
who knew what was happening at home—
was someone put to bed, had someone died?
The paper said how dangerous, they coughed
and snuffed in their double desks, facing me—
they sneezed and spit on books we passed around
and on the boots I tied, retied, barely
out of school myself, Price at the front—
they smeared their lunch, they had no handkerchiefs,
no fresh water to wash my hands—when the youngest
started to cry, flushed and scared,
I just couldn’t touch her, I let her cry.
Their teacher, and I let them cry.

“All day, one room: me, and the cherubim . . .” by Ellen Bryant Voigt | Blackbird v17n2 | #poetry: All day, one room: me, and the cherubim / with their wet kisses. Without quarantines, who knew . . .

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