Sunday, January 9, 2022

Don't Look Down: Antarctica's Doomsday Glacier could Shatter in 10 years, Endangering 1 Bn. in Coastal Cities

Don't Look Down: Antarctica's Doomsday Glacier could Shatter in 10 years, Endangering 1 Bn. in Coastal Cities: Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) - How fast will the sea level rise and how many people will that affect during the next 30 years? The answer to these questions means a lot to people living in New York, Miami and New Orleans, not to mention Mumbai in India. We don't have precise answers to these questions. But a December discussion at the American Geophysical Union suggested that the massive Thwaites glacier in Antarctica, the size of Florida, could plop into the ocean in the next 10 years, with the potential to set in train further collapses, raising sea level by

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