Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Thousands of Fascist Israeli Militiamen, led by Cabinet members, march in Palestinian West Bank for Illegal Squatter-Settlement, as 27 Palestinians are Wounded and 100 are Tear-gassed

Thousands of Fascist Israeli Militiamen, led by Cabinet members, march in Palestinian West Bank for Illegal Squatter-Settlement, as 27 Palestinians are Wounded and 100 are Tear-gassed: Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) - The Israeli newspaper Arab 48 reports that on Monday about 17,000 Israeli squatters marched through the Palestinian West Bank to the shuttered illegal squatter-settlement of Evyatar on Mount Sabih near the hamlet of Beita in the vicinity of Nablus, demanding its revival. Some 27 Palestinian counter-protesters suffered injuries from rubber-tipped metal bullets, and another hundred suffered ill effects from inhalation of military-grade tear gas. They were shot by Israeli troops that provided security to the far-right march. It was the first time in two years that the Israeli military had permitted anyone to approach the

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