Wednesday, May 20, 2020

David Quammen: The Spillover of Animal Infections to Humans - Scientific American

David Quammen: The Spillover of Animal Infections to Humans - Scientific American: A single spillover that led to the pandemic, led to the pandemic strain of HIV, was from one chimp into one human in the southeastern corner of Cameroon back as far as 1908.

Steve:       That's David Quammen. The New York Times correctly called Quammen "not just among our best science writers but among our best writers, [period]." I and many other Quammen fans first met him through his Natural Acts columns in Outside magazine, which are available in a couple of anthologies. He went on to write the epic Song of [the] Dodo: Island Biogeography in an Age of Extinction. He also wrote Monster of God about the few animals left that are predators of us. His latest book is titled Spillover: Animal Infections and the Next Human Pandemic. He was in New York City recently and we met early in the morning at his hotel near the World Trade Center site, so you might hear some construction sounds in the background. Please forgive my hoarse voice, as I was getting over a respiratory infection of my own. Also, the last few minutes of our conversation featured some profanity because the book does.

Steve:       Your last book was about big animals that kill people and eat them and this to me is almo

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