Saturday, May 16, 2020

Good read on Trump As a political creature, the president exists in that mold and rot, feeds on it, and tells his voters that it’s all fine dining.

Recently, in trying to get a grip on what the context of the upcoming national election might be, I came upon a psychological phenomenon called “derealization,” a dissociative disorder the symptoms of which include:

•   Distorted perception of time, space, and size of things around you.

•   Feeling of unreality from the world around you, as if in a dream or trance.

•   Feeling as if everything is foggy, fuzzy, or warped.

•   Sense of being disconnected from those around you as if you’re trapped in a bubble.

•   Thoughts of going crazy or being very ill.

And it struck me that not only did that describe my own general feeling during this time of plague and quarantine, but also it fairly describes the political condition within which the president has succeeded politically, because it also fairly describes the world that he has created around himself his entire life. He creates derealized situations, milks them for every dime, mines them for every possible advantage, and then moves along to his next one, leaving his victims stuck in the fog of d

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