Wednesday, January 27, 2021

A highly relevant classic: How the Oregon Militia Acquittals Reflect the Influence of White Nationalist Agitators

Baltimore Nonviolence Center: How the Oregon Militia Acquittals Reflect the Influence of White Nationalist Agitators: The clamorous decision by a Portland jury to acquit the Bundy brothers, Ammon and Ryan, and five others on conspiracy and firearms charges on Thursday night marks the third time in 28 years that a high-profile federal case involving armed anti-government agitators has collapsed.    In each case, questions have arisen whether white nationalist agitators evoked sympathies among jurors that other defendants do not.     Four years ago, an attempt to charge members of the Hutaree Christian militia in Michigan with sedition ended in similar embarrassment for the government after the judge said there was no evidence the five defendants intended to attack anyone, much less murder a police officer and ambush his funeral as the prosecution alleged.

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