Thursday, January 21, 2021

President Trump’s legacy of corruption, four years and 3,700 conflicts of interest later - CREW | Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington

President Trump’s legacy of corruption, four years and 3,700 conflicts of interest later - CREW | Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington: His brand has also expanded existing properties overseas while Trump was in office, raising the same types of conflicts concerns that new developments would. In the past four years Trump’s company continued to develop its overseas projects and sent its top executives to meet with foreign business partners and sell Trump properties, with American taxpayers footing the bill for nearly $100,000 in Secret Service costs incurred during the trip. In coming years, the Trump Organization is expected to revisit or pursue new projects in foreign countries such as India, China, Colombia, Brazil, and Turkey. While Trump Organization executives traveled around the world, Trump had foreign leaders in countries where he does business come to him. Late last year, an Indonesian official came to Washington, D.C. for an unannounced, closed-door meeting at the White House with Trump, Ivanka, and Jared Kushner. While Indonesian press reported that the meeting was in regards to the U.S. investing in Indonesia’s sovereign wealth fund, neither the Indonesian government nor the White House published detailed notes from the meeting. Over the past few years the Indonesian conglomerate MNC Group has been dev

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